Lab News


2024 has been a great year for the Round lab! As is tradition, during the Christmas party, June reviewed this year’s accomplishments and announced Morgan Harwood as the winner of the Tamar Tomassian Award for Excellence in Collaboration. Congrats, Morgan!!! Also, Kendra Klag was the inaugural winner of the Discovery of the Year Award! Congrats, Kendra!!!

Cheers to 10 years of being ducking awesome, Ricky Bell! We hope you’ll stick around for another 10 more at least!

The lab got together for a paint night! Darci put together a ‘Piece-of-a-Whole’ canvas with a template for us to paint within. It turned out amazing!

Ahoy, mateys!! Round lab one first place for best Halloween costume and Captain Morgan Harwood won 1st place individual costume!!

Round lab pumpkin carving!

Morgan Harwood ran 100 miles in under 33 hours!!! Wow! What an amazing feat!

CALL FOR ART WINNER!! Darci‘s amazing art titled ‘View in a Different Hue’ won to grace the background of the HCI Seminar Series posters during the Fall and Spring Semesters!!

View in a Different Hue by Darci Ott

‘View in a Different Hue’ made by Darci Ott

Commencement: They talked the talk and walked the walk!! Congrats, Dr. Hernandez and Dr. Klag!

Our first MD/PhD graduate student, Kendra Klag, defended today! Such a great dissertation. Now she’s heading back to medical school!

Nature Communications

The University of Utah Health Science website features our recently published work in nature communications, AUTISM’S MISSING MICROBES MAY INFLUENCE SOCIAL BEHAVIOR BY PROTECTING THE GUT.

Dr. Jennifer Hill is off to do great things in her new lab! Jen, you will be missed here in the Round Lab, but we can’t wait to see where you take your amazing science!

Check out her lab at the UC Boulder and visit her lab website here. You can also follow her on X.

Look at us! What a fine group of people. Lab fam!!

We made license plates that describe Jen or her work. This was fun! We should do it every going away party. :-)

Customary glass going away present from June.

Yup! That’s a pancreas cake!! Courtesy of Kendra Klags amazing baking skills.


Congratulations, Dr. Diane Hernandez! You rocked your defense today! What a great way to end the year!

diane thesis defense

The Round lab family celebrates Christmas with our extended O’Connell lab family! As always, we remember this year’s accomplishments, get goofy with the annual white elephant gift exchange, and award the most helpful, collaborative member. This year’s winner of the 2023 Tamar Tomassian Award for Excellence in Collaboration was Emmanuel Victor! Well deserved!

Outreach - Science Fair Project: “Does the 5 second rule hold true!?”

10th Annual Microbiology and Immunology Retreat!

Kendra - Flash Talk

Emmanuel - Flash Talk

Bloods Lake - Midway Hike

Diane - Session 3: Immune and Microbial Dysfunction in Cancer

Jen - Career Development Panel Discussion

Morgan - Flash Talk

Ricky - Flash Talk

Homestead Crater

In this Nature Reveiws Journal Club, Tao Zuo discusses Dr. Lasha Gogokhia’s seminal 2019 paper on bacteriophage/mammal host interaction!

  • See the article here!

Celebrating 10 years of amazing science! Happy Labversary, Zac!! What would we do without you?!

The Round Lab represents at Cell Symposia: Infection biology in the age of the microbiome in Paris, France!

round lab paris dinner
june round cell symposia paris 2023
Kaylyn cell symposia paris
michaela cell symposia paris
Jen cell symposia paris
morgan cell symposia paris
Kendra cell symosia paris
Alli cell symposia paris
diane cell symposia paris

Allison Weis wins the 2022 Tamar Tomassian Award for Excellence in Collaboration


Jennifer Hampton Hill is the winner of this year's NOSTER & Science Microbiome Prize

Dr. Kyla Ost has finished her postdoc with us and is starting her new lab at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus on July 5th!

Ty Chiaro, now Dr. Ty Chiaro, is starting his new position as a Clinical Immunology Fellow at UNC on July 1st!

June awarded the honor of Benning Endowed Chair

  • Newest Members of the Benning Medical Society Good Notes

So proud of Ty Chiaro, who was victorious in defending his Ph.D. thesis today. Congratulations!




Celebrating Ricky’s Labversary!

kind words

Six years dedicated to the Round lab! Ricky was gifted a backpacking pack, a pretty sweet lab shirt, and a frame to remind her how much she is appreciated!


Cell Press SnapShot

Beacon of Hope!

round lab vaccine

Round Lab Members receive their 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine.


Congrats to Garrett Brown, who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis today!


Pathologist June Round awarded $1M from the W. M. Keck Foundation to expand research on the microbiota.

Lab Meetings over zoom are the new norm.

round lab meeting

Our Lab Specialist, Ricky Bell, earned her Masters today!



Celebrating Zac’s Labversary!

zac labversary

Six years in the lab! Dr. Zac Stephens is an integral part of the Round Lab and his time here must be celebrated!


Cell Host & Microbe



Common Yeast May Worsen IBD Symptoms in Crohn’s Disease


Wow! Another graduate student success! Ray Soto earned his Ph.D. today. CONGRATULATIONS!


Huge congratulations to our very first graduate student to receive a Ph.D., Charisse Petersen!



midschool lab

Middle school students learn about bacteria on their bodies!

In collaboration with the Natural History Museum of Utah, we have designed a program that allows children ages 10-13 to have a hands-on experience learning about their microscopic inhabitants.

midschool germfree

Children culture bacteria from their mouths, look at these bacteria under the microscope, speak with graduate students and post-docs in the lab about their research and visit the germ-free animal facility.

MyD88 Signaling in T Cells Directs IgA-Mediate Control of Microbiota


Round and O’Connell labs hike White Pine Trail


Big shout out to Ty Chiaro for receiving his Masters Degree today, March 12, 2015!

Conversation Between “Good” Bacteria and Immune System Is Key to Digestive Health


Good Bacteria Keeps You Healthy

Pathologist June Round, Ph.D., wins 2nd national award for studying ‘good’ bacteria

Redefining Human: How Microbes Influence Who We Are


The Round Lab is established at the University of Utah

june round